That is good, newer gamers will be able to prepare to know what's coming, but hardcore guilds will not have the ability to fine tune their tactics to acquire significant advantage over others competing for
Classic wow gold first/fastest clears.When u think about it, it makes sense tho. AQ was essentially untouched since vanilla, whereas Naxx had been redone to get wotlk That was basically patchwerk following the TBC prepatch. For a period he was unkillable since he oneshot tanks.
Examples included: that the transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2 for Nefarian was long enough for one to fall out of combat for several seconds, C'Thun not casting the initial Eye Beam for 10+ minutes after beginning the encounter, frost wands not counting as frost strikes on Viscidus, etc..
Those bugs existed since they weren't available on the PTR before being published on
Cheap wow classic gold live servers. So this really is a middle ground compromise to weed out bugs before release without"spoiling" the true encounter (because according to the grim post everyone will get zone-wide fans to improve their electricity inside Naxx). wow classic gold PTR didn't even exist before later after Blackwing Lair was released.
Thank god. . wow classic gold is finally coming to an end. I've been a super player have readily 120 days played since it came out. . But man I am so happy for it to end. The fun of the game essentially ended after c'thun died and there is an insane lul in articles at the moment. Seeing so many friends and guildies stop the sport... Just hoping to hold on to what I can for a KT kill.